Berwick Police Department




(207) 698-1136

Option #1


Business Checks

The Berwick Police Department conducts checks of our local businesses during the overnight hours.

If we find anything amiss, we will want to contact you. Please contact us or use the links below to complete/update our site file information for your business and return to us by mail, drop-off or email.

Site File Form (PDF)
Site File Form (Word)

Property Checks

The Berwick Police Department will conduct daily checks of your residence and property while you are away. Please complete and return the attached form.  

Prior to departure please ensure all points of entry are fully secure. It is also very important you list an emergency contact who has access and can respond to the property in the event an emergency arises.

Property checks should have start and end dates. We ask that you not ask us to check properties indefinitely.

Property Check Request Form (Word)